Coping with Change or Crisis


Moving Through Difficult Times as a Couple

Change is an inevitable part of life, and coping with change - big or small - is an important part of your life as a couple.

Changes can disrupt and threaten to overwhelm relationships. Adapting to life as a new couple, the arrival of children, the departure of children (empty nest), illness, ageing, changes in employment status, and financial difficulties are just a few of the kinds of changes that you may experience as a couple. Sometimes these changes rise to the level of crisis, and threaten the existence of your marriage or relationship. When marriages don't work out, separation and divorce are certainly significant life changes.

We can work together to develop your and your partner's resourcefulness and responsiveness to changing conditions. When you're "stuck," we'll explore the assumptions and beliefs that may get in the way of your adaptability. We'll work together to make the difficult decisions that are right for you and your partner. We'll support you through difficult times.

If you'd be interested in discussing the changes that you are facing and how we might work through them together,contact us, and we'll set up an initial meeting. We look forward to hearing from you!